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Creative Writing

Robert Carpenter
Period 2
Comm. Arts


You may know of the story Cinderella but what you don’t know is Cinderella was going to go to hell if she wasn’t nice for a while so she tried it out she was nice to her step-sisters who didn’t know of her predicament so they treated her like garbage.

The stepmother was also unaware of it too so she made Cinderella clean the house like she made her do so when Cinderella was mean. The time that the prince declared a ball Cinderella couldn’t go because she had to eat the cat litter and feed the psychopathic cat.

He sneered as Cinderella slumped by. Cinderella tossed a beat-up leather slipper at the cat and said, “ Why you no good vile demonic son of a …”
Just before Cinderella could finish that sentence the big man himself walked out of the fireplace and said, “No, No that wouldn’t be very nice now would it huh?”
Cinderella said, “What’s it to ya huh?”
The mysterious man said, “well I can recall a certain deal we had, and to enforce that deal I have a gift for you Cinderella a bracelet, this is no ordinary bracelet it’s crafted by the smartest demons in Vegas.”

The man vanished and as soon as he vaporized Stepmother creped her way into the house and told Cinderella that she is to fix her daughters' dresses.
She asked, “Why?”

The stepmother said, “Well I believe that’s none of your business young lady,”

Hours and countless hours passed and she was finally done the dresses. The bracelet she received had a counter it went up to 10 it was now on 8. She said, “This is no fair!”

The counter was at 7…
